I have lived on Happy Hollow road my whole life. The name is fitting; the road dips in the middle, creating a hollow, and the people always seem to be happy. Below is a handcrafted map of Happy Hollow Rd. The red pentagons are houses on my road (most houses are pictured; however, some houses I did not deem worthy so the picture isn't completely accurate) and the green pentagon is my house. Black circles at the end of a black line represent a cul-de-sac, while blue circles represent ponds.
1. Henry the egg man. Henry is an 85 year old man with a very large chicken coop. He gets his eggs fresh every morning, and every week or two we will go buy a few dozen. He also puts up 15 handmade christmas trees in his yard every holiday season.
2. Beans and Alexis. These are two children (they do have parents, don't know their names) that Meredith babysitted in the summer of 2014. They are very sweet and love to ride bikes.
3. The police officer that lives far from the road in a big beautiful house.
4. The Grinch. This man takes three walks down the whole length of our road everyday; the morning, midmorning, and afternoon. He was dubbed the Grinch because he never used to wave at cars passing by, but once you get to talking to him you realize he is a very sweet old man.
5. The Kinnards, home of Jonathan Kinnard (fellow Gattoneer and Meredith Kessler's former beau).
6. Randy the farmer. Not really on Happy Hollow, but he has a gravel road that runs the length of his property through agricultural fields that is very fun to ride four-wheelers on.
7. Mamaw and Papaw! They built their house in 2007, moving from Indiana, and their property has many Hickory trees, making for thousands of yummy nuts and squirrels to eat the.
8. The Morris's. They have a dog named Jackson that bolts through his electric fence and bothers my papaw quite regularly.
9. The Kays (aka the jews). All I know is they are rich doctors that throw huge Bar Mitzvahs.
10. This weird little house that used to be back in the woods but then someone new moved there and chopped down all of the trees. They also have a wonderful flowing creek in their front yard, great for frolicking in.
11. Taylor Blakely's (Mia childhood friend) grandma. She has cute cats.
12. The Stallons. They have many grandchildren that come to their house every weekend, and many a time have I wandered around their yard when no one was home. I'm willing to bet they've seen the Kessler's and I skinny dipping in the Kessler's pool before.
13. Destiny. She lives with her grandparents in this house. She is in the highschool band and has a cat that sits at the end of her driveway when she gets on the school bus and is waiting for her in the same spot when she gets off of the school bus.
14. The Kessler's! My best friends Meredith and Mia live here. Their house is so dark at night it doesn't even look like it exists because they don't have outside lights on. They also have a frolicking creek in their front yard and a pasture in the back.
15. The mormons. They all have long hair and wear skirts and their front yard is the site of the epic flood river floating.
16. The Dunns. This family lives next to the Kessler's and they have always been a little sketchy. The son does drugs often, they have a very mean dog chained up, and their house looks like it is beginning to fall apart. They have a grandson named Trey who comes to visit sometimes, he used to pick on Meredith and I when we were little.
17. The Thomas's. They have a girl my age in school, but we never interacted. They are also terrible drivers, if you see the Thomas's car, run!
18. The Keller's (not us). These are my second cousins on my dads side, Richard and Judy. Judy tutored me in math for a while.
19. The dog people. Who knows what these peoples names are, I just know they decorate their house for every holiday, they have lots of dogs, and they adopted an autistic asian boy that sometimes stands on the side of the road and throws things at passing cars.
20. The Woodards. They really aren't important, but they have been here as long as my family so I felt they deserved a spot.
21. The old Silfies resident. New people live there now, but it used to be my second home when Lucas Silfies lived there.
22. ME!
23. Jerry and Betty Boling. Our beloved neighbors, an old couple that always keep an eye out for us. Jerry loves deer hunting and mows his yard every other day. They also used to have a weeping willow tree in their front yard that was great for pretend games.
24. The Adcocks, our mortal enemies. They moved to town about 5 years ago, and I decided to become friends with their daughters until there was a huge scandal in which they accused us of murdering their dog in the night (we didn't). It was all downhill from there; they got a mean dog, Kristen (the daughter) moved away and went to the dark side, and now I hear the parents are getting divorced.
25. These random people with a blue house and beautiful Christmas lights.
26. Mr. Fisher. We used to think he didn't actually exist because his house was run down and there were never any lights on. Then one day he showed up, and now he is a regular in the hollow.
27. Legendary Huffy. He fixes all cars and teaches dogs how to hunt.
28. Matt the Police man and his mom. They have an awesome creek, but I don't think they like me because I often cut across their yard.
29. The old Cornell residence. Mrs. Cornell was my second grade teacher and the first person to really push me in my education. Their mailbox is an exact replica of their house.
30. The new people. When they were building their house, Mer, Mia, and I got caught in our swimsuits playing a pretend game in their house. They were very friendly about it, but we never completely warmed up to them because their is a great fishing pond in their backyard we no longer have access to.
31. Why did I even put a pentagon here?
32. Crazy dog people with beautiful apple trees and a amazing pond that we aren't allowed to go to.
33. Leann, my mom's good friends and once called the cops when she saw the Kessler's and I messing around with her mailbox at night (we had written nice letters for everyone on our road and were trying to be anonymous with their delivery).
This is a very quick summary of the houses and people that have shaped my childhood. The people don't really run the Hollow though; the dogs do. We are a dog community, and I wouldn't have it any other way.