Wednesday, December 30, 2015

4H Camp

In sixth grade, I went to 4H camp. Not your normal one week in the summer 4H camp, but a single night in September with the whole sixth grade class of Christian County Middle School. It was an awesome 24 hours, and it all started with the almighty Gaga ball. This wonderful game is played inside of a about 2 1/2 feet high octagonal wall with a ball. The players can only hit the ball with their hands, the ball must stay on the ground, and the goal is to hit other people's feet while not hitting your own. 

It gets crazy with lots of people, but it is extremely fun (and I'm not half bad either ;-)). We had some classes (fishing, making homeade t-shirts, wildlife knowledge). We then played kickball, teachers and counselors against students. The teachers dominated of course, but us kids put up a real good fight. We had dinner in the cafeteria, then proceeded to play minute to win it. We were split into teams and each assigned a challenge. I had to attempt to unravel wrapped paper in a minute and before everyone else. I failed, but my team came back in the all mighty shoe relay, where all our shoes are scattered on the floor and every member of the team must put their shoes back on and tie them. It was a blast, and afterwards we roasted marshmellows and sang campfire songs. In the morning, we split in teams and participated in a scavenger hunt. There was an explicit rule that if your team was caught at the lake you were disqualified, but my team only needed one more thing and I knew it was at the lake so I sprinted down there as fast as I could, came back, and we won!! 

Next year, I came back to this sixth grade escapade as a seventh grade counselor! I was with Mr. Reynolds, Julianna Kelly, Lea Moore, and Bethany Derden. We got a special cabin and led all of the students in their activities. It was so much fun, I made lots of sixth grade friends and got to make tons of homeade t-shirts. Mr. Reynolds did everything for us, like we were his own children. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and I especially loved being the best at Gaga Ball. I came back as a counselor in ninth and tenth grade, every time winning the kickball game, cheering my team on in minute to win it, and leading campfire songs like "My Little Red Wagon". 

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