Friday, December 25, 2015

J, K, L

In seventh grade, I found myself in somewhat of a predicament. Three different girls I went to school with considered me their best friend, and none of them liked each other. Their names were Julianna Kelly, Kirsten Olson, and Lea Moore.

I met Kirsten in fourth grade when she moved to my elementary school. We didn't become very close friends until middle school started, but from then on we became a crazy duo. Kirsten was the most hyper person I had ever met, and also the skinniest. I remember going over to her house and romping through her cow field, eating tons of fruit, rolling around with her dogs, and being super quiet when her parents went to bed (they were extremely strict army people, always a little scary). In sixth grade we were on the soccer team together and in seventh grade we were both altos in the choir (we could belt out Agnus Dei stronger than any other pair).

I met Julianna and Lea at the beginning of sixth grade. They came into middle school as best friends, and I still can't help feeling a little guilty for being the reason they were never best friends again. I instantly clicked with both of them (they were my "smart" friends), but as our separate relationships formed, they became jealous of each other and before I knew it I was being pulled on both arms. In the beginning, I chose Julianna. We we library aides together, and I thought she was nicer and cooler. I started being mean to Lea, calling her names and once provoking her to the point of slapping me. But then we were all chosen to be on the speech together, and I decided that enough was enough. I healed my relationship with Lea, realizing she was actually a great friend and I started to split my time between Julianna and her. It is hard having two people who both always want to be with you walk out of the room when the other walks in. Not to mention, Kirsten wouldn't have anything to do with either of them. Below are some high quality pictures of the three of us.

Left: Lea / Top: Julianna / Bottom: Kirsten

We made it through the year without any major cat fights, and then I left them all to go to high school. It pleased me to hear that after I left, Julianna and Lea began to hate each other a little less, even to the point of occasionally exchanging pleasantries. I don't really keep up with any of them anymore except through social media (except occasionally texting Julianna). I suppose if someone had forced me to choose one and throw the other two off a cliff, I would have chosen Julianna. But I truly loved them all, and am really happy I have all of their memories as my best friends.

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